Professional Career:
Apr. 1994 –
Feb. 1998:
Ph.D. studies
University of Cologne, Germany, (Prof. Dr. W. Topp) and the University of Michigan (Dr. M.M. Martin), Ann Arbor (MI, USA):
"Interactions of representatives of the saprophagous soil fauna and the saprotrophic microbiota"
Grade summa cum laude
Aug. 1998 -
Dec. 1999:
Research Fellow and Lecturer
University of Düsseldorf, Germany: Institute of Neurobiology, Division of Sensory Ecology (Prof. Dr. K. Lunau)
Jan. 2000 -
Nov. 2004
Research Associate
University of Kiel, Germany: Institute of Zoology, Division of Limnology (Prof. Dr. H. Brendelberger)
Nov. 2004
in Zoology and Ecology – University of Kiel
Nov. 2004 -
Dec. 2009
Privatdozent (equiv. Assistant Professor)
for Zoology and Ecology – University of Kiel
Head of the Research Unit "Evolutionary Ecophysiology"
Jan. 2010 -
Aug. 2010
Guest Scientist
for Marine Benthic Ecology – IFM-GEOMAR
Oct. 2010 -
Head of the Research Unit "Terrestrial Animal Ecology"
University of Salzburg, "Animal Ecology, Biodiversity & Evolution"
Visiting Scientist:
Jan. 1995 – State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, Germany: Systematics and Phylogenetics
July 1997 – University of Konstanz, Germany: Microbial Ecology
July 1998 – Bamfield Marine Station (Canada): Evolutionary Ecology and Animal-Microbe Interactions
(grants from the German Academic Exchange Service)
March to April 1999 – University of Konstanz, Germany: Microbial Ecology
March to April 2000 – University of Georgia (USA): Coastal Ecology
February 2002 – University of Konstanz, Germany: Microbial Ecology (grants from the German Science Foundation)
March 2002 – Universidade de Coimbra (P) (grants from the European Union)
April 2002 – University of Copenhagen (DK): Functional Morphology and Evolutionary Ecology (grants from the European Union)
July to August 2003 – Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (Canada): Coastal Ecology
August 2006 – University of Turku (FIN): Local Adaptation of Marine Benthic Herbivores
June 2010 – University of Georgia (Athens, USA), Odum School of Ecology (grants from the European Union)
Visiting Professor:
June 2001 – University of Coimbra (P): Aquatic Ecology (grants from the European Union)
April to May 2003 – University of Poitiers (F): Evolutionary Ecology and Animal-Microbe Interactions
July to August 2003 – University of Victoria (Canada): Marine-Terrestrial Interactions
April 2007 – Universidade de Coimbra (P): Aquatic Ecology (grants from the European Union)
Academic Assignments:
Member of the convention of the Faculty for Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel (2006-2008)
Member of the committee for Ph.D. dissertations and defenses of the Faculty for Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel (since 2006)
Member of the organizing committee of the section Biology of the Faculty for Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel (since 2008)
Member of the Excellence Cluster Future Ocean, Kiel (IFM-GEOMAR and University)
Associated Member of the U.S.-NSF Georgia Coastal Ecosystems – Long-term Ecological Research Program (GCE-LTER)
Scientific & Exchange coordinator of the ERASMUS MUNDUS-Master's Program "European Master in Applied Ecology"
Co-initiator and member of the steering committee of the DFG priority programme SPP 1399 "Host-Parasite Co-evolution"
Deputy Coordinator & Speaker of the (planned) ERASMUS MUNDUS-Doctoral Program "International Doctorate in Environmental and Applied-ecological Sciences"
Reviewer for:
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (AvH)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
Cluster of Excellence Future Ocean
>60 peer-reviewed scientific journals
in Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Evolution, Zoology
Editorial Board of Pedobiologia
Editorial Board of Soil Biology & Biochemistry
Editorial Board of The Open Zoology Journal